
Training courses

An overview of training courses aimed at choreographic skills in recent years


Indian Dance Lab

With her graceful movements, undisputed technique and subtle expression, Janaki Rangarajan belongs to the current generation of leading dancers from India. In 2019 Janaki visited The Hague and gave an intensive masterclass to advanced Bharata Natyam dancers.

During the five-day training, students from the Netherlands led by Dr Janaki Rangarajan learned a new choreography:  Ardhanareeshwaram. This South Indian classical temple dance is about God Shiva and worships the dualities of man and woman united in one being. A true inspiration for the top layer of Bharata Natyam dancers from the Netherlands.


Fusion Dance lab

Dancers from different dance backgrounds, such as tribal fusion, ballet, burlesque and Indian dance, have worked with new dance tools for them, including the Laban technique. This Fusion Dance Lab was about learning new movement material and the crossovers between the different world dances.

The participants presented their own work and of course new creations from this creative period. The public was present to watch and share their own views.


Indian Dance lab

In six sessions, the participants of the first choreography trajectory, led by choreographer and theatre maker Nita Liem (Don’t Hit Mama), worked on tools with which the dancers can also develop as makers. The group consisted of Indian dancers of different styles, which ultimately made it a very diverse group. Some makers are young in the dance, others are already experienced.

Together they have started a search for new forms of expression within Indian dance. But for that you first have to come to the definition: What makes Indian dance what it is?

In the Indian dance lab, the dance makers in the studio gave a glimpse into this process. The public was welcome to observe and discuss with the participants and choreographer Nita Liem.

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